In recent studies, researchers have discovered a correlation between anxiety and age. While the reason can’t be pinned down to a single factor, it is likely due to changes in the brain and nervous system, and the higher likelihood of experiencing stressful life events in the first place. This makes doing what one can to ease stressors in the lives of our elderly loved ones even more important.
One of the key ways to combat the challenges seniors face later in life is the hire an at-home care worker. Despite this, the importance of home care for elders is regularly overlooked. Learn more about why elderly care is so important below.
What makes care in our elder years so crucial?
For many seniors, it may feel like life moves so quickly that they can’t catch up. Suddenly their daily structure shifts, and this only enhances their levels of anxiety, which can snowball into losing track of personal care needs.
When one doesn’t see their elderly loved one often enough, it can be difficult to tell whether or not their needs are suitably cared for. Without an at-home caregiver, neglected needs every now and again grow to be a serious problem.
Personal care and seniors
In our younger years, things like bathing and dressing are done hardly without a thought. For some seniors, personal care tasks grow to be a challenge. Brittle bones and the risk of falling can be a recipe for disaster. This fear leads some to neglect some personal care needs.
But when one lets important personal care tasks fall to the wayside, it can result in health issues. Those with poor hygiene are more likely to experience gastroenteritis, colds, hepatitis A, gum disease, and dermatitis neglecta. Each of these conditions can evolve into something more significant, which can lead to serious health consequences.
While this topic is not a pleasant conversation to have, it’s a necessary one to ensure an elderly loved one is living as high quality of life as possible. Ask your elderly loved one not only why their personal care has been slipping, but how they are, as poor mental health has a direct connection to poor hygiene.
What you can do
Find out what it is that is stressing your elderly loved one, and do what you can to combat it. Suggest to them easier alternatives for self-care and offer options for physical activity, but be fully aware that, sometimes, implementing those suggestions is not so easy. Especially of these care tasks already feel like a burden to your elderly loved one.
This may be the right time to consider the services of an in-home care aide. At Home Care Arizona, we work with seniors to make care needs feel simple. Our staff acts as companions to seniors, which is especially valuable to seniors struggling with anxiety and depression.
To learn how our staff can help your elderly loved one live a happier healthier life, contact us at (623) 526-6367.